السبت، 20 أكتوبر 2007

E-MaiL My HeaRT !!!!!!!!

oh , hi all , E-mail my heart that is the title of my story .. I will write atrue story that i am crazy about it . It is between ayoung boy and girl , oh , that is it :
there is aboy from egypt he is crazy about chat like all of us , in aday he log on the internet and try to chat in yahoo , he join aroom and he try to chat with someone ?? he chat with agirl from england , he say to her hi and she do too and they after 2 months ,they be very good friends , he know alot of things about her life and she know too..
Afterthat he asked her to come to egypt to see him and meet him,, and he thought that she will refuse but she ?? surprised him ,, she accepted his suggestion and she on the way to egypt ........
the young boy be so happy but he must travel to sharm airport to welcome her in egypt, so he tell his family about that and traveled ..
He travel and met her and they go together to his country almania in egypt ....
the first time she reach almania and she drink from it is water ?? she have avery strong pain
so, she go to the hospital ...
she did an operation named "'alzayda"'
but two days and she get over..
No one ask me what about her family ???
they did alot of things , they told the "" interbol "" about the girl , they said that the young boy take her from england and she donot accept that alot of things ....
""the interbol"" contact the egyption police and they order to get it and find him so fast ....
the police search and find him , then he asked the girl : that boy take you to egypt and you donot want that ? she answer no i came here cuz i want to life with him and i donot want london..
i love him that is my boy friend ^^
All surprised and said why ?????? you leave your family and your country and came to egypt to this boy ??? that is unbelievable ?? any one know why ?? the answer that is areal love ...
the real love can do anything , the real love is abig word we must respect it ... Not any thing be love ... it is real love that we donot know about .....(^_^)
E-maiL My HeaRT
CraZy $iNgER

هناك 6 تعليقات:

hisha17 يقول...

enta mawdo3ak kwis bas 3andi lik 7abet mol7zat ok!
1)Most of the verbs in ur text r wrong bec. u r talking in the past so u get alot of verbs in the present
2)this story happened to u because u said me in a part of the story or its ur story
3)i want to know something how could she did all of that(she reserved the ticket & how could she get the money &how could the airport allow her as she was a teenager to travel???)
these r all my comments & i hope to reply to me

cool power يقول...

الموضوع دة جامد اخر حاجة بجد وكنت عايزة اسألك: لو دة موضوع حقيقى ليك او لحد تعرفه؟ أصل حكاية البوليس ولما سألوها لما فاقت حاسة ان الموضوع مأفور وسورى دخل على فيلم عربى شوية
بس كمجمل رائع وحلو اننا نتكلم فى حاجة حلوة وغير الدراسة وباحترام وشكرا انك سمحتلنا نشاركك فى قصص سواء حصلت لك او قريتها او سمعت عنها وياريت ترد عليا فى سوءالى اللى فوق

Ahmad_Kadry يقول...

بجد بجد قصة جامدة جدا
بس شكلها مش حقيقى لان مسارى طلع فى الاخر
شكرا يا مان ومتحرمناش من قصصك الجامدة

Mohammed Salaheldeen يقول...

hi ya eslam
shof ya m3lm
انا شايف ان القصه دي مش واقعيه(غير اللي قاله هشام)
طبعا لان مافيش اي أسره مصريه توافق ان ابنها يروح اي حته حتى لو رايح يجيب نص كيلو لبن يعني دايما على لسانهم كلمه لا وخصوصا لو عرفو انك رايح
تقابل واحده انتا نفسك ماتعرفهاش

انتا قلت ان الحب دفعها انها تسيب بلدها ووطنها عشان واحد هي ماتعرفوش اوك انا معاك انهم في انجلترا مش انجلترا بس يعني ولاد جنيه بيروحو بيجو وكده صيع الى حد ما يعني
بس هو حبها؟؟؟!! مش عارف مش وصلالي الحته دي لان مستحيل حد يحب واحده هو مايعرفهاش حتى لو اسرارها كلها معاه
لو واحد حب واحده لازم يكون شافها مره على الاقل والمره دي طويله شويه

حتى لو كان شافها عالويب كام برده عشان يحبها لازم يشوفها لحم و دم قدامه والا ده يبقا اسمه لعب عيال
ولا ايه؟

ده غير ان الاجانب الحب الحقيقي عندهم لاولاد بلدهم مش للي بره حبهم يبني مش حب حبهم ده كده يعني مش احساس زينا دول قوم ماده مش قوم احساس

7abashy يقول...

bos ya mana ana makontsh nawy a comment 3al mwdo3 da bas b3d comment mizo ana la2et en el ragl da 2al kol el klam el ana kont 3ayz a2olo w thnx w thnx ya mizo

robin يقول...

nice story